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Ultimate Tips for a Successful App Store Optimization.

January 28, 2023
min read

Implement our top techniques on App Store optimization to yield more revenue from your app. Read on to learn more about how to craft one ASO strategy

App store optimization
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App Store Optimization is an important tool to consistently improve your app content and functionality to achieve a high app store ranking. Read further to learn the best tips to develop a impeccable ASO strategy which will help you rank high; as well as your retention rate and conversion rate will skyrocket, yielding more revenue from your app. 

1.Understand your target audience and competition.

A well_crafteded ASO strategy depends on how your users consider your app compared to your competitors. To understand your audience, you need to consider the following aspects.

  • The native language of your target audience.
  • The way the users view your app.
  • The most common user expectations from your app.
  • The unique features and benefits of your app.
  • The performing keywords your compitator use
  • Your app’s keyword ranking competence for the same keywords.
  • You should consider keyword difficulty and traffic volume to showcase your app’s highlights.

When sketching your app store optimization plan you need to think from your user’s point of view. Include popular keywords that can improve your app’s discoverability and user base. User market research is essential to match your keywords with the potential users’search queries. You will clearly see the search words that brought more app traffic.

Competitor analysis is equally important to find the keywords targeted by your competitors. The research will also give an understanding of the popular and performing keywords you can rank for.

2. Choosing the perfect app name.

Using the most relevant keywords in your app title is vital to improve your app’s discoverability. The app stores allow up to 30 characters for the app title. So, make sure youuse the slot wisely by using the main keywords that can appropriately convey your app’s core feature.

Remember, the app title is the app’s text visual element that the potential user stops to consider. So, make it catchy, simple, and explicit. Long app titles get truncated in the app store search results. Therefore, making your app title readable and recognizable across app devices for all user groups is essential. Avoid using emojis special characters, and competitors’ brand names in the app titles.

3. Keyword optimization.

While the Apple app store provides you with an exclusive keyword field of 100 characters in length, Google Play functions similarly to an SEO (search engine optimization) strategy. The app store’s algorithm will consider the keywords in your app title for ranking. Therefore, using the most relevant keywords in this slot is essential.

However, do not crowd your app title with popular keywords. Stick to the right keyword density and use only the relevant keywords in your app title. Imagine the search queries that potential users might use to find your app. 

Determine the traffic volume that these keywords will generate. Use them in your app title to emphasize your app’s core features. Your app’s search result ranking and conversion rates depend heavily on the keywords in the app title.

4. Write a compelling app description.

Your app description is where you can describe your app’s main features. The app description must focus on conversions rather than impressions. It should be effective enough to convince your app visitor to go ahead and download your app. 

Make an exciting start by telling the app visitor how different your app is compared to your competitors. Tell the benefits and values the user will get by downloading your app in a convincing approach. However, do not to use  promotional tone which might not match your app’s brand value.

Use simple yet compelling language to write the app description. Take care that the description is well formatted and do not have spelling mistakes. . Include a call-to-action and the contact details at the end of the app description.

Track the latest trends and updates to keep your app description optimized. Remember, the potential user might spare only a few seconds to read the description, so making that impression count can improve the conversion rates.

5. Stand out with a unique icon

The app icon represents your app’s brand message. It is the first and the most influential visual element that can hold the user’s attention. App store visitors browse through several apps to make them remember your app; the icon must be eye-catchy and recognizable.

Apple app store and Google Play have different guidelines for the app icon. Following these can make it advantageous to be featured by the app stores and improve your app’s visibility.

Do not load the app icon with logos or letters; if necessary, use only one letter that defines your app. 

Too many graphics or colors can make your app icon confusing and distracting. You can analyze the themes and techniques used by your successful competitors who belong to the same app category. You will get an overview of the target audience’s perception.

6. Design exciting app screenshots and preview videos.

Following the app store guidelines is ideal while designing the app screenshots and preview videos for your app store listing. It might differ a bit between the Apple app store and Google Play. Following these size guidelines and requirements will make your app approval process easier and up your chances of being featured by the app stores.

Showcase the unique features and benefits of your app in the screenshots. The caption or text in the screenshots must be simple and short. You can use the most popular screens from your app as screenshots. 

The app preview video is the right opportunity for the user to get a real experience using your app. Only footage from within your app is permissible. The first few seconds of the video must captivate the user’s attention and convince them to download your app.

7. App localization for app’s growth.

Localizing your app is a key technique to expand your user base. You can explore and expand your app’s presence and awareness by localization. Thorough research of the regional market and audience can help you develop an effective localization strategy. Formulate a goal and set the budget for the region you wish to target. A proper app store optimization strategy will facilitate customizing your app for the local audience. 

However, localizing is not just about translating your app into different languages. It is essential to understand the preferences and beliefs of your potential users to customize the app creatives accordingly.


App store optimization, like any other tool or technique, reaps results only if it is being continually monitored and improvised. The ASO strategy will become the backbone of your app marketing if done right. Tracking the market trends and analyzing the competitors also play a vital role in the app’s growth. Continually enhance and update your app creatives to boost the app’s visibility.

January 28, 2023
min read
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